Vieux Vierzon

One of the things I really enjoy is browsing French newspapers online. It was therefore a lovely surprise to see a photo in Le Berry républicain, of a gentleman I first met over 40 years ago.  There he is, in a group celebrating the heritage of old Vierzon in the Cher département.
That's the same Vierzon as in the Jacques BREL song, Vesoul. now over 40 years old itself and incorporating those much quoted phrases:
"T'as voulu voir Vierzon, Et on a vu Vierzon."
The Brel song did plenty to confirm Vierzon's position on the map, right in the centre of the Région Centre.  There is an interesting article, also from Le Berry républicain, posted by another blogger here and relating the relationship between the song and the town.
A few minutes more, and a little bit more digging, revealed that the old Vierzon group has an online presence and there was a postal address.
I'll be writing soon to renew the contact. Technology is great, but a greeting card seems more appropriate.

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