It was a first time visit to Le Pain Quotidien in Kildare Village - and I wondered why I hadn't heard of it before. Of course the initial attraction was the enticing sign in French but a quick look inside was all that was needed to step into the allure of freshly baked breads on artist palette boards and strong flavoursome coffee served in hand-warming bowls.
The concept is Belgian rather than French and I love the story of how originator, Alain Coumont's idea of a traditional bakery was eventually realised, how the name was chosen and how that very first table commune came about. You can read that story here.
The place has plenty to offer the vegan diner : Bircher bowls of overnight oats (a favourite in our house), Organic Turmeric eggs with Seaweed and avocado. For those with a sweet tooth : Raw Nut Cakes of passion fruit and beetroot and the ubiquitous salted caramel - Coupable ! Guilty!
Taking up the central area was la table commune - made from reclaimed floorboards - It was huge and would be perfect for a convivial get together. I thought as I looked at it that here among these diners was the physical expression of all the menu card had to offer. As servers passed by with their large bowls of colourful food we tried very hard to match them up with their mouthwatering descriptions.
Time to go but first a stop at the inshore shop for some fantastic breads - baguette à l'ancienne and a quarter of a huge country loaf with baked in fruit. They survived the journey home to Belfast where next day they were warmed and served around our own smaller table commune.
More : If you make it down to the Kildare Village you will find Le Pain Quotidien's only outlet in Ireland. It is definitely worth a visit.
Check out the website at this link for details of its various food offerings, opening times and how to get there.
Finally, do you know of other establishments that have a connection with France or French ?
If you do why not share your observations in the comments section below ?
Bon app ! À la prochaine !